Instrument | Current Contract Name | Expiry date | Close Date on MT4 | New Contract Name |
INDICES | ||||
CAC | CAC-JUN19 | 21-JUN-19 | 16-JUN-19 | CAC-SEP19 |
FTSE | FTSE -JUN19 | 21-JUN-19 | 16-JUN-19 | FTSE–SEP19 |
DOW | DOW-JUN19 | 21-JUN-19 | 16-JUN-19 | DOW-SEP19 |
DAX | DAX-JUN19 | 21-JUN-19 | 16-JUN-19 | DAX-SEP19 |
COFFEE | COFFEE-MAY19 | 20-MAY-19 | 19-MAY-19 | COFFEE-JUN19 |
CRUDE | CL-MAY19 | 22-APR-19 | 21-APR-19 | CL-JUN19 |
COPPER | COPP-MAY19 | 29-MAY-19 | 26-MAY-19 | COPP-JUL19 |
NGAS | NGAS-MAY19 | 26-APR-19 | 21-APR-19 | NGAS-JUN19 |
Each CFD has expiration date as specified in the register above.
Few days prior to the official expiration, a new Contract of the same underlying instrument will be launched and opened for trading. Once the NEW Contract is opened for trading, the OLD contract will be JUST for CLOSING positions. Therefore, if you are holding position(s) in any expiring contract, you are kindly requested to rollover your position(s) in the OLD contract by Closing them at market and opening the position(s) again with the NEW contract.
*Important to note* if the OLD contracts are not closed by the end of the session of the Expiration date, CM Trading has the right to and will close position(s) at the last available market price and NEVER re-open positions in the new contract.